Ashley English has a great book called Canning & Preserving from her Homemade Living Series. For all of you designers out there...this is a gorgeous book! The book includes a simple dill pickle recipe and I decided to go with that. I did add some horseradish to the recipe...other than that...it is straight out of her book. Check out her blog over at Small Measure.
Before I went to bed last night, I cut the pickles into spears and chips. I put them in a salt brine with 1/2 a cup of pickling salt and water. I'm glad I remembered to do this before I crawled into my sleepy pants. This morning I went out and hunted down some jars. I don't have any that I thought would work and it was time for the investment. I bought pint size and small mouth quart jars. I wasn't really sure what I would need this season. I still need some small ones for preserves.
I bought a steam canner last year. I really like this canner because it uses a lot less water and heats up super fast. It is just a personal preference. You can use a regular water bath to make pickles too. I use the steam canner to sterilize the jars as well.
6 lbs pickling cucumbers
3/4 cup pickling salt(divided)
4 cups white vinegar
Garlic cloves, peeled
Dill seed
Fresh Dill (I used the dill I have been freezing)
Black Peppercorns
1. Rinse and clean the cucs in cold H2O. Remove slice from blossom end. If you can't tell then trim both ends. Place them into ceramic or glass bowl. Add 1/2 cup pickling salt and cover the pickles with water. Put them in a cool place or the fridge for 8 hours...or over night.
2. Drain off the brine. Rinse cucs thoroughly. Set aside.
3. Sterilize 8 pint mason jars, lids and screw rings. (I used pint and quart jars...just double ingredients that you put inside the quart jars).
4. In a medium stainless steel pan, combine vinegar, 3 1/2 cups water and 1/4 cup pickling salt. Bring the brine to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, and set aside.
5. Into each sterilized jar, place 1 garlic clove, 1/2 teaspoon dill seed, 1 dill head, and 8 black peppercorns.
6. Pack cucumbers into each jar, and cover with the brine solution. Leave 1/2 " headspace. Use a nonmetallic spatula to remove any trapped air bubbles, and wipe the rime clean with a damp cloth. Place on lids and screw bands, tightening only fingertip-tight.
7. Process for 10 minutes in a boiling water bath (or steam canner :). Adjust for altitude.
The pictures tell the rest of the story. We will be enjoying these pickles in two weeks.
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