There are few things that make a farm a farm. I think we are getting there! Here is my list and where we stand...
A garden - Our third farm garden will start being prepared this weekend when we turn the soil over. I have been working with another farm once a week in thier greenhouse. I'm the unofficial intern. They are giving me lots of seedlings as a trade. I'm learning a lot but I think farming is a endless education. We have also done our seed inventory and have been working on the garden lay out. Snow peas go in week!
Something for sale- I have also been working hard to get the daylily beds in order. We will have some to sell and I'm really out of excuses not to sell them. They will start bloomig in May. I have also started some other flower/herb seeds in the green house. We will see how those 'come up' before we decide if we will sell those too.
A tractor- Bob bought a beautiful tractor. He and Matt have mastered using it. It makes a lot of tasks so much easier. I still need to learn how to drive it myself. Jasper got his first tractor ride last week! He loved it but I think he loves being with his Daddy the most.
Livestock - Our first round of chicks are coming in on April 9th! This will be a whole new experience for us. I'm pretty excited about it. We are getting 20 chicks to start our flock. 10 Buff Orpingtons and 10 Light Brahmas. Matt has a beautiful coop designed. Look for photos soon!
It is a start. My back hurts.
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