I have to confess that Chris B. and I performed a small 'slugacide' one night on my side porch. This involved beer and kosher salt. Beer attracts slugs. I think we proved that it doesn't matter if you put the beer in small containers on the ground or drink one yourself :) The slugs will still come out in force. Chris and I surrounded the porch with Kosher salt and watched the little slugs wither up. It sounds disturbing. It was. But, we did learn that the old slug and salt tale is true.
I did place small containers of beer around my strawberry plants when I used to have them in the ground. I have since resorted to growing strawberries in pots. It is much easier to control pests when you plant the strawberries in pots. The beer does work though. The slugs crawl into the dish and essentially drown. Please say a little prayer for the slugs.
Slugs LOVE moisture. Another tip is to water in the morning. This way, most of the moisture burns off during the day. Slugs also love to hide under things such as pots, boards...anything flat. So, try flipping their hide outs during the day and dowsing them with salt.
There are chemical options but I don't use them :)
I can be attracted by beer.... So are you calling me a slug? :o)